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No Man's Sky New Exquisite Screenshots and Artwork Leaked; Surprise Appearance at Sony's Press Con at E3 Deemed Plausible
New images for No Man's Sky, the ambitious and abstract indie open-world space adventure, have emerged online ahead of the game's E3 2015 showcase.
Hemlock Grove season 3 Spoilers: Peter and Roman face the Order of the Dragon; Premiere date set early 2016?
Hemlock Grove season 3 is coming soon and although the exact date hasn't been revealed yet rumor has it that it will be around early or mid year of 2016. The show is down to its third and last season, which according to show's executive producer will be a "soul -shattering mayhem".
Project Morpheus VR Device is: Sony's Highlight at E3
With a scheduled commercial release sometime between the first quarter of 2016 until the second quarter, Project Morpheus is getting closer and closer to its full implementation in line with the PlayStation 4. With E3 also in the horizon, are we going to see what Project Morpheus is in actuality during the said event. Stay tuned.
Xiaomi Mi 5 on track for July release? Monster Snapdragon 80 processor, 200 mAh battery 16MP camera specs for a price not yet known
Xiaomi is a brand that is steadily growing. Along with it fast-paced growth is the popularity of its products, namely the Mi smartphones. Making a buzz as of recent is not just the development and eventual release of Mi 4, but also of its supposed successor, the Mi 5. This article tries to compile some of the most prevalent information about Mi 5 there currently are.