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‘Twin Peaks’ Season 3 Update: David Lynch Confirmed to Direct Again; Kyle MacLachlan Back to Show Premiere this 2016
After 25 years of waiting, fans of television serial drama ‘Twin Peaks’ can finally breathe a sigh of relief as director David Lynch himself confirmed that he will be back to recreate the hit TV show for its third season. To spice it up, Kyle MacLachlan will also be returning for the show to premiere in 2016.
Android 5.1.1 updates, guides for Nexus 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and Nexus Player; plus custom ROMs
Android 5.1.1 OTA updates for Nexus 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and Nexus Player are being rolled out in phases. A browser test showed that the Lollipop upgrade just landed in an Asus Nexus 7 two days ago. Besides waiting for the OTA update, have two other options to install the 5.1.1: by factory images and by custom ROMs. Installation links are provided.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Superhero Tattle-tale Umberto Gonzalez Shares Doomsday And More
Gossip scribe Umberto Gonzales gives us some details via a podcast of Doomsday on BvS and his new scoop website.
Sony could finally pull back the curtain on many of the highly anticipated games coming to the PS4 at E3 2015
Sony has been holding their hards very close to the vest thus far, but things could finally change once E3 2015 comes around.