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Apple MacBook 2016 Updates: Rise of the Unhybrid Hybrid with Bluetooth Keyboards, Runs with OS X
The MacBook 2016 may not be announced yet but given current trends it should most likely lighter and more powerful than the MacBook 2015. Plus, how others are stacking up.
‘Orange is the New Black’ Season 3 Spoilers: What happens to Alex, Piper relationship? Pornstache’s mother to haunt inmates
What should we expect from Orange is the New Black Season 3? Is Litchfield going to be more chaotic? Will there be bloody brawls? Learn more from here.
iPad Mini 4 Release Date, Specs: Powered by A9 Chipset Processor, Runs With iOS9, and Slimmer Design
The iPad Mini 4 is now getting closer to our fingertips as the October release date approaches. The device will be powered by an A9 chipser processor, and to run with iOS 9. The iPad Mini 4 will be the slimmest tablet to be released.
Star Wars Battlefront Updates: Cockpit, external views improvements exposed! Plus the power of jetpacks
Star Wars Battlefront is getting everybody on their toes even before its official release. This time around the game-maker DICE has revealed it will soon get the cockpit view and external view factored into the game.