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Dying Light Bozak Horde DLC May 26 Release Confirmed: Techland adds Harran Stadium Map, Electric Bow Weapon and more items

Check out the cool features from the Dyling Light Bozak Horde DLC May 26 release which includes a new map to kill more zombies as well as a powerful bow weapon.

Mass Effect 4 Update: Teaser image suggests appearance at E3 2015 very likely; Titanfall 2, FIFA 16, Madden NFL 16 at EA Press Con seen

The latest evidence pointing to appearance of Mass Effect 4 has been recently revealed by Bioware game producer who posted an image on his official Twitter channel. He didn't openly confirm whether it is something related to the upcoming RPG, the image depicted an arc with a light cutting through it probably talks about the series.

CSI Season 16 cancelled; CBS finally speaks out

CSI's season 16 cancelled by CBS. According to reports, the cancellation isn't about problems on the ratings, but rather because of the expensive production cost. The cancellation of the series is especially hard for the fans after it follows the exit of Nick Stokes from the series. A two hour movie is reported to serve as the finale of the show. No formal announcements from CBS yet.

Nicole Richie, Joey Madden heading to a divorce? Madden's wife posts photo concluding marriage?

Nicole Richie and Joey Madden's marriage was rumored to be going really tough. With sightings of Nicole going oout without her wedding ring, and house hunting alone, people were starting to believe them. But Madden's post seem to prove that their marriage is going strong.

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It's been going on for years, now Jamie Foxx made everything clear. Along his controversial national anthem performance he'd laid out on the more controversial Pacquiao-Mayweather fight in the past weeks, Jamie Foxx seemed to be inescapable on streaks of very outlandish rumors, one of which is his two-year old romantic linkage with Katie Holmes.
It seems that life for our favorite reality TV star isn't a lot stressful, as the announcement of her earlier release was posted.
Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes had been waiting for this, what'll be next? While others are still hyped upon the release of Disney Infinity last September in several parts of America, Europe and Australia, Disney Interactive has finally launched Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes, also marketed for release as Disney Infinity 2.
The lead actor and release date for the big-budget Aquaman movie have been announced. Will "Game of Throones" actor Jason Momoa give another epic portrayal, this time as King of the Seven Seas? Competing writers have been hard at work to create the best script and ensure that the big-budget feature film will not disappoint.
The full list of vehicles for Project CARS has just leaked online, and it's absolutely massive. As well, developer Slightly Mad Studios is offering patches for bugs and crashes that are already affecting the racing game.
Michael Schumacher is still far from being good. The family has already sold some of their estates to finance his needs. What are the latest updates about the racer?
Is Ben Affleck going to divorce Jennifer Garner? What are the recent news about this couple? Will they be able to hold on to their marriage?
We are near the end of The Voice Season 8. Who do you think will bring home the title? Place your bets now. Meanwhile, learn more from here.
‘Bates Motel’ Season 4 to raise the bar in full ‘Psycho’ mode. Darker scenes and more cross-dressing are expected.
Is Amanda Knox getting married soon? Can she already handle her finances after being in debt? What are the latest updates about the Foxy Knoxy?