Google to design proprietary Android chips to compete with Apple’s signature iPhones
Google is reportedly preparing its own chipsets intended for Android smartphones. The company aims to get uniformity in its Android platform in order to be more competitive with Apple’s signature iPhones.
Samsung Galaxy S7 Rumored To Be 4K Smartphone; Possible Availability:in February 2016
The flagship Samsung Galaxy S7 is undeniably being greatly rumored in terms of its several aspects. However, a recent rumor suggests that this device could be announced in January and become available in February 2016.
Argentina Economic Inflation is as much as 35 percent annually
As the November 22 presidential election is fast approaching, the economic inflation of 35 percent a year is one of the major issues that the next president of Argentina will have to face.
“Bank of Mom and Dad” offers solution for millennials to buy a home
The millennial generation, those in the 18 - 34 age range, have been slow to enter the home buying market. Sidelined by student loan debts, high unemployment, and tighter mortgage credit, millennials have a different outlook on home ownership as other generations have in the past.