Samsung TV faces allegation regarding its energy consumption test
Samsung TV faces allegation regarding its energy consumption test. European Union-funded research group ComplianTV did the independent test and the result reveals that the company's product emits high energy consumption which is in contrary to Samsung's compliance test's result.
‘Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2’: Latest And Final Trailer Released; How Big Can The Movie Get?
“Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2” movie is based on the novel by Suzanne Clarke and is directed by Francis Lawrence. With the release of its latest and final trailer, fans and moviegoers will flock to theaters with anticipation and leaves them wondering how big a hit this motion picture can be.
Google detects Stagefright bug 2.0 on phones that run Android 5.1 or below
Google detects Stagefright bug 2.0 on phones that run Android 5.1 or below. The bug is transfered through mp3 (audio) or mp4 (video) files on untrusted websites.
Google's Android security team defeats the attack of Trojan virus in Russia
Google's Android security team defeats the attack of Trojan virus in Russia. This is due to mobile securities and application scans on Android devices which decreased the rise of those who are affected.