Tags: Oscar pistorius

Oscar Pistorius Trial: 5-Year Sentence Just the Start, More Troubles Brewing

Explores how Oscar Pistorius coudl be facing murder charges and a longer sentence thatn what he has now.

Oscar Pistorius Trial Update: Leaked video shows chaos inside prison? Steenkamp’s killer receiving too much privilege

Oscar Pistorius is living a decent life inside the jail. What are the latest updates on Steenkamp's killer?

Oscar Pistorius plays football with ex-mafia leader? Reeva Steenkamp’s book already available

Oscar Pistorius is living an active lifestyle behind the bars. What is he doing to keep fit? Is he violating prison rules? Find out more.

Oscar Pistorius Clan faces Eviction Controversy amidst Steenkamp Killer's Threats Behind Bars

What is the latest about Oscar Pistorius condition in jail? More controversies haunt their family. Read more from here.

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Oscar Pistorius is currently enjoying a royalty status in prison after being “processed” from “B” group to “A” which has receives the most privilege. Reeva Steenkamp’s family disgruntled over the “royalty treatment” of the Blade Runner.
Oscar Pistorius has been receiving additional perks inside the jail. What are the things that the Blade Runner can do now? Learn more from here.
Oscar Pistorius is enjoying perks inside the jail. He can now hug and kiss his visitors. Apart from that, he has an increased allowance that will allow him to buy decent toiletries.
The convicted Paralympian killer Oscar Pistorius is now granted with several privileges and perks after his prisoner status has been lowered from B group to Category A.
'Blade Runner' Oscar Pistorius is currently serving his prison term; however, the limelight could still not let go of its former golden boy.
The Strathclyde University, a Scottish university who awarded Oscar Pistorius an honorary degree in 2012, revoked his award due to his criminal charges involved for killing his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.
The Oscar Pistorius Case continues with an appeal for murder conviction. Scottish University strips Pistorius with his Honorary Degree.
Another Pistorius is making news. The older brother of Oscar will face charges. Carl Pistorius was charged with reckless driving for an accident that almost killed him.
Oscar Pistorius' case is being held by the court as murder charges have been filed. The family of the late Reeva Steenkamp still cries for justice.
Henrick Pistorius & Co, Oscar Pistorius' family business, face a court charge brought by Competition Commission. The company, established in 1944 by the grandfather of double amputee runner, is allegedly is involved in price-fixing that started in 1995.
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