Tags: Square Enix

Final Fantasy 15 Gameplay Impressions Feature 'Hack and Slash' ; Square Enix to Make Big Announcements at E3

Despite still lacking a definite release date, Square Enix, the developer of Final Fantasy 15, already released a demo for the game. It did not take long before feedback and impressions crowded the internet. While some were amazed and excited for the official release, a few were skeptical.

Kingdom Hearts 3 Reveals Game Appearance at Japan's D23 Expo; Game Updates Might be Delayed

Kingdom Hearts 3 will make an appearance in 2015, however, its release is far off from happening. This is in regards to a recent Kingdom Hearts 3 update from the developers themselves. After being announced in 2013, the game is still in development and the reason for that are numerous.

Kingdom Hearts III Update; Nomura reveals current game developments; Game franchise hits smartphone

Tetsuya Nomura reveals their latest plans for Kingdom Hearts III including a smartphone application for its players. The Disney/Square Enix crossover project may include new worlds from Star Wars and other recent Disney films.

Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness Trailer, Screenshots Show Glimpse of Universe-wide Gameplay

Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness is the next title for the Star ocean franchise, which is one of the best story Square-Enix and Tri-Ace has ever made. New screenshots show a beautiful glimpse of an epic adventure that spans entire worlds and galaxies.

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Another Star Ocean story will hit shelves for the PS4 and PS3 come 2016. Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness will once again bring the whole universe into the hearts of fans.
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward will be released on the 23rd of June, 2015. The story for the new expansion picks up after the A Realm Reborn, set in the middle of a great war between the knights and dragons of the realm. Discover a whole new Final Fantasy experience as Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward opens its doors to a new playable race, new flying mounts, new dungeons, raids, and battles.
The release date of Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts 3 has been much speculated but never confirmed. Although rumours say that the release date of the game may come later this year, more reliable sources argue that the game won't be launched until early next year. Aside from Kingdom Hearts 3, Square Enix is also working on a couple of other projects and even teased an upcoming game in their website.
Activision announced that the upcoming "Call of Duty" game would be "Black Ops III." The game developers would also be preparing the game details for it big reveal on April 26th.
Square Enix might have teased abou the new "Star Ocean" game in their Friday's teaser based on gaming enthusiast who had been trying to decipher the meaning of the image on the "secret's" website.
Square Enix revealed that an upcoming "Deus Ex" game would be released soon and would bring back Adam Jensen in the game's sequel.
Blizzard Entertainment had recently released "Diablo III: Reaper of Souls" patch 2.2.0 that would introduce three new "treasure goblins" as well as use "vacuum" pick-up in getting gems and crafting items.
HexaDrive will now become a part of the growing "Final Fantasy XV" development team. Square Enix continues to expand its roster of developers for their planned video game epic, "Final Fantasy XV" with the addition of HexaDrive.
“Kingdom Hearts 3” may finally have a release date to be set on D23 Expo. New Worlds and Characters may be included in the latest Kingdom Hearts game including Avengers, Brave, Wreck it Ralph, Frozen and Hero 6.
"Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare" gamers couldn't seem to get enough of zombies as some of them had started looking for the traditional Easter egg laid out by Sledgehammer Games in the recently released "Ascendance" DLC pack.
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