Tags: Star Trek 3 Release Date

'Star Trek Beyond' Movie Update: Release date pushed back to July 22 to secure IMAX screens

'Star Trek Beyond' released date is pushed back to secure enough IMAX screens, and is reported to open on July 22, 2016 instead.

‘Star Trek Beyond’: Is the mysterious character Jem’Hadar or Talaxian? Star Trek 3 moves back release date

‘Star Trek Beyond’ reveals new aliens, but one particular alien looks like a Jem'Hadar or a Talaxian. Meanwhile, 'Star Trek Beyond' moves to a later release date of July 18, 2016.

'Star Trek: Beyond' Updates: Release date delayed by two weeks; Will it affect the Box Office of the sequel film?

Paramount Pictures has moved the release date of the “Star Trek: Beyond” back two weeks to July 22, 2016. Will it affect the box office of the film?

Star Trek Beyond Update: Unexpected details about James Kirk, Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy released

Star Trek Beyond is currently filming, and new details about the 3 main characters surface. Kirk has a son he left, Leonard Nimoy, original Spock, chose Quinto as Spock, and Dr. McCoy will have more screentime with Spock.

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Paramount has said they need to release the third Star Trek 3 in 2016 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the first arrangement, and they're right now taking a gander at summer dates where the film could open. It's a swarmed timetable, yet Star Trek is a sufficiently huge property that it ought to do well paying little respect to where it makes a big appearance.
Simon Pegg revealed that the movie plot of "Star Trek 3" will imbibe the TV shows spirit which are "frontierism", "adventure", and "optimism." Pegg also shoot down rumors that Idris Alba will play a Klingon in the movie.
Updates on the storyline of Star Trek 3 We have a smart thought of when Star Trek 3 will start filming. Between performing artist Zachary Quinto's appraisal that generation will get going inside the following six months and Orci's choice to vacate executive creating Power Rangers because of "planning clashes," it would seem that the cams will begin coming in spring or summer 2015, with a mid-year 2016 release date prone to take after.
"Star Trek 3" get a green light for shooting. Who will be returning for the reboot? James Kirk (Chris Pine) and Spock (Zachary Quinto) will be back for the third installment of the "Star Trek" reboot which will be filmed on Vancouver.
“Star Trek 3” is now in its pre-production stage and they are carefully choosing additional cast members in the upcoming film. There are a lot of potential villain role for Bryan Cranston if he joins the upcoming film.
“Star Trek 3” will hit the silver screen on July 2016. Production team gets major changes and new characters join the cast.
“Star Trek 3” is slated to hit the big screen on July 8, 2016. Paramount Pictures is sticking with their scheduled release even though there have been changes in its production team.
William Shatner hinted that he may appear in the next 'Star Trek' film, answering rumors and speculations that he will reprise his iconic role as the original Captain James Kirk.
'Star Trek' would be hitting back on theaters following their first two movies. The third film is said to be close to the original as what an actor reveals.