Tags: Tom Clancy's The Division Release Date

‘Tom Clancy’s The Division’ news and updates: Game’s beta delayed; alpha test for Xbox One to begin this week

Ubisoft confirmed that the exclusive Xbox One alpha test for "Tom Clancy's The Division" will be held from December 9 to 12.

‘Tom Clancy’s The Division’ gameplay, & release date: Ubisoft explains upcoming RPG’s skill system, weapon customizations and character creations

Ubisoft explains how gamers will be able to take advantage of the skills system, weapons upgrades and character creations in the upcoming "Tom Clancy's The Division."

"Tom Clancy's The Division" Update: March 2016 Release Date Revealed; Pre-order Guarantees Closed Beta Access, Hazmat Gear Set DLC

Good news for fans and gamers alike, as "Tom Clancy's The Division" will be released come March 8, 2016. Also, those who pre-ordered the game is entitled for closed beta access as well as the DLC pack called Hazmat Gear Set.

Tom Clancy's The Division Graphic Downgrade A Big Loss to the Ubisoft Title; Fans Speak Out Mixed Reactions

Ubisoft's Tom Clancy's The Division is already well on its way to the stores. But new updates have been given to the game, and it may not look as well as it should be, literally speaking.

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The Division is another "open-world RPG" that is yet to be added to Tom Clancy's video game classics. It is set to be released on March 8, 2016. The Division's beta version for XBOX One will be released in December, while for PC and PS4 early next year.
Some fans of Tom Clancy's The Division who have been at Gamescom in Germany expresssed about what they thought of the most awaited open world third-person shooter role-playing video game after trying the title at Ubisoft booth. There were those who got disappointed while others have enjoyed and look forward for its official launch next year.
Tom Clancy's The Division stole the spotlight where it was playable hands-on last week at the recently concluded Gamescom 2015. Despite some drawbacks surrounding several delays on the game's release date, Ubisoft continues to keep the hype going and excite the fans with the latest gameplay teases on what they can expect when they finally get their hands on this masterpiece in the making this coming March 8, 2016.
Ubisoft has officially announced that Tom Clancy's The Division will be playable hands-on for the first at the prestigious GamesCom 2015 in Cologne, Germany starting today, August 5 up to August 9. The upcoming title also gets a nomination for GamesCom Awards 2015's Best Console Game for Microsoft Xbox and for Best Role Playing Game said event.
Moved for over 2 years since the announcement, Tom Clancy's The Division may have caused stress to most of the fans. The real date of the release is finally revealed, and with a sweet treat for Xbox One owners.
The guns are hot, the sights are set and the bombs are timed. The months pass by as Ubisoft makes way for Tom Clancy's The Division RPG that will have the fans begging for more!
It looks like Ubisoft has gotten enough feedback from fans of Tom Clancy's The Division that an exclusive beta is coming to Xbox One before this year ends. The game's official release date is also now revelead which will be on March 8 next year.
The lead writer on Tom Clancy's The Division is reported to have left Massive Entertainment and some critics are worried that her departure will be felt in the game's narrative, voices, dialogue and cutscenes
Tom Clancy's The Division debuted approximately six months ahead of E3 2013 when composer Ola Strandh has started to compose the soundtrack that became a piece of the initial gameplay revealed at the event.
Major information on release dates and other exciting reveals on Tom Clancy's The Division, Rainbow Six Siege, as well as Ubisoft's flagship, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. Also, Ubisoft has recently announced that more gameplay details will be unveiled at its very own slated E3 Press Con this June.
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