Tags: Transformers 5 Spoilers

'Transformers 5' Updates: Franchise Enters Expanded Universe; More Dinobots, Plus Micronauts; Optimus Meets Unicron?

Transformers joins the Expanded Universe bandwagon with Akiva Goldsman leading the pool of writers. Micronauts might join the team and two possible plots revolve around Mark Whalberg with the Dinobots and Optimus meeting Unicron.

'Transformers 5' Updates: Movie Script has been plotted out; Michael Bay will not Direct the 5th sequel film?

After months of brainstorming, "Transformers 5" is slowly developing. With so much ideas in mind, the writers room are doing its storyline. However, director Michael Bay is still deciding whether he will direct or not.

'Transformers 5' Update, Spoilers: Will there be A 'G.I. Joe" crossover? Optimus Prime rumored to die with 'Walking Dead,' 'Daredevil' writers on board

The fifth instalment of the billion-dollar franchise promises to bring more action with the return of its original director Michael Bay and the addition of writers from "The Walking Dead" and "Daredevil." Rumors are saying that fans might have to say farewell to a known hero and say hello to new ones.

Transformers 5 Updates: Ultra Magnus, Quintessons to be introduced? Director Michael Bay possibly to return

Transformers 5 is still in its early stages of production but rumors have surfaced as to the possible characters to appear in the movie. Director Michael Bay is said to return, along with Mark Wahlberg are rumored to return.

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The Dinobots may have a future beyond "Transfomers: Age of Extinction." Do we know any official spoilers for "Transformers 5," the follow-up to last year's "Transformers: Age of Extinction?" Probably not.
"Transformers 5" is set to start production this year. Michael Bay is rumored to exit the production and that new characters will be joining the fight of the good versus evil.
“Transformers 5” is expected to hit full production this year as the producers aim to release the film on 2016. A lot of changes needs to be done in the film in order to get back to its glory days as a blockbuster movie.
Mark Wahlberg shared to MTV News about the latest updates on "Transformers 5." Just when fans of the "Transformers" film franchise has stopped holding out hope for another sequel, actor Mark Wahlberg managed to revive that zest to make that installment happen once again.
A new rumor points to a long list of new Transformers joining the franchise for the upcoming fifth film.
New rumors about the upcoming "Transformers 5" hint at new kinds of transforming 'bots, along with a potential Transformer role for Liam Neeson.
Recent rumors claim that Megan Fox is returning to the 'Transformers' franchise, but he'd only return if former co-star Shia LaBeouf returns along with her.
The latest spoilers for "Transformers 5" allege that the Maximals and the Predacons, the robots from "Beast Wars," may appear in the upcoming sequel.
It has been made known that Michael Bay and Mark Wahlberg will not return to "Transformers" franchise following the success of "Age of Extinction." It has been believed that original actress Megan Fox and an experienced director like Guillermo del Toro or "Real Steel"'s Shawn Levy could continue the success of the Hasbro robots-based franchise.
While on the promotion of Michael Bay’s “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,” Megan Fox revealed the possibility of her being featured in “Transformers 5,” Enstars reports.
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