
Twitter appoints ex-Google biz unit head as Country Manager for Australia

With the opening of its new Australian unit, Twitter confirmed the official appointment of ex-Google unit head Karen Stock as the country manager for Australia.

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Syrian Electronic Army owns hack on New York Times and Twitter

The Syrian Electronic Army took responsibility of hacking sites like the New York Times and Twitter by targeting host Melbourne IT.

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Twitter hires new commerce chief

Social media platform Twitter hired Nathan Hubbard as its new commerce chief.

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Arias trial highlight social media and taxpayer issues

Jodi Arias, convicted murderer, had a few more issues up her sleeve.

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Social media rally Filipinos against "pork barrel"

The world saw Filipinos staged a mass rally against corruption that was organized via social media like Facebook and Twitter.

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Nokia's head of developer relation quits for a job at Amazon

Marco Argenti, head of developer relations in Nokia, announced that he left Nokia for a job at Amazon's Web Service Business.

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Nielsen says Twitter chatter improves TV ratings

Nielsen said that the chatter on Twitter could enhance the live ratings of television shows.

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Twitter's good and bad side

Twitter users boycotted the lack of action by the social media platform against violent tweets.

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Social management app HootSuite raises US$165 million

HootSuite gained US$165 worth of Series B funds from several investors today.

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Advertising in Twitter? Here are 4 ways to do it

There are currently four ways to advertise on Twitter.

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Britain: Get tough on online abuse, Twitter

Britain pressured Twitter to get tough on online abuse.

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Facebook's mobile ad growth is a model to other social websites - analysts

According to several analysts, the mobile ad boom of Facebook would provide an excellent model for other social networking sites.

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Instagram fell victim of cyber crime

The users of Instagram complained about a hack that posted photos of smoothies and fruits to their accounts.

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Facebook can triple its profits with just one move

Analysts stated that Facebook could earn three times more than its reported second quarter income by allowing users to pay for an ad-free experience.

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Russia investigates Google, Facebook, Twitter

Authorities from Russia probed Google for possible tax evasion and privacy regulations.

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