Tags: Xenoblade Chronicles X

‘Xenoblade Chronicles X’ Releases on WiiU, Gains Praises and Feedbacks

Nintendo and Monolith Soft’s JRPG, Xenoblade Chronicles X has finally made its exclusive release on WiiU, which was welcomed by kind and positive feedbacks.

‘Xenoblade Chronicles X’ English Version Updates, New Trailer Reveals; Game Available for Preorders and Pre-loads

Game developer revealed new video of Xenoblade Chronicles X while the English version of the game has changes that diverts from its Japanese forerunner. The game is also available for pre-purchase and preloads before its launching next month.

‘Xenoblade Chronicles X’: Unlock Skells and Defend the Planet With Giant Weaponized Mechs

A new open-world RPG by Monolith Soft, Xenoblade Chronicles X shall soon release which features Skells which are giant weaponized mechs used by the player to fight the enemies.

Xenoblade Chronicles X’s North American site up; Localizations of characters will have less skimpy outfits?

North American teaser site for Xenoblade Chronicles X is now up and the characters localizations of will have less revealing outfits. The preorder links that gamers would be expecting are also made available with the Special Edition details on it.

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Xenoblade Chronicles X is launching in North America very soon. The launch coincides with a Special Edition release of the game that comes with the official soundtrack, an official artbook, and more.
Xenoblade Chronicles X patch 1.01 update included many noticeable changes that will aid in gameplay, such as a redesigned interface, Union Gameplay mechanics, and a large change in Union points gain.
Check out the progress in the creation of Xenoblade Chronicles X and when the release dates are for the US and in other countries as the Japanese version has already been launched. In terms of the digital sales, the Wii U title grabs the number 1 spot last May.
2015 appears to be a magnificent year for various AAA RPG titles, at least for Nintendo, with Monolith Soft's new Xenoblade Chronicles X set to get a Western release to Wii U this December 4th
Xenoblade Chronicles X for the Wii U will be available in North America, Australia, and Europe this 2015
Xenoblade Chronicles X is set western release later this 2015 for the Wii U. The game is extremely succesful in Japan and western fans want to have a piece of this Japanese gaming wonder.
Xenoblade Chronicles X released its sequel in Wii U platform last month, April 29. This game will be then launched in the West sometime this year. Apparently, there is no direct affirmations from the game developer when would it exactly arrives in the area.
Nintendo surely put a little more on the upcoming "Xenoblade Chronicles X" as gamers who watched the game's leaked video opening as well as some of its leaked gameplay gave it top marks.
The Japanese version of Xenoblade Chronicles X has already made its way in the market just this month, however, it was only for the Wii U. Preparing the English version for Western countries, Nintendo of America is conducting aXenoblade Chronicles X Nintendo Direct this April 24. From the series of things that will be included in the event, people are hoping that a release date will be one of them.