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"The Young and the Restless" Spoilers: Does Nicole Have Multiple Sclerosis? Neil Also Faces "Devastating" Diagnosis

Which "Young and the Restless Characters" may be suffering from a serious illness? Watching "The Young and the Restless?" Excited about where the series might head in the coming week? Well, a fresh crop of hints and potential spoilers for this week's "Young and the Restless" episodes have come online, and there might be some serious developments this week.

Jordan Vows Revenge Over ISIS After Burning a Jordanian Pilot Alive

A video footage of the execution of First Lt. Muath al-Kasasbeh, people of Jordan had been crying for justice and seeking revenge to the terrorist group who burned the pilot alive.

'Dragon Age: Inquisition' Review, Update: EA General Manager to release improved games; 'Mass Effect' not to affect on sales

Dragon Age: Inquisition has reached it biggest success in the history of BioWare, though the next Mass Effect games release won't be dependent to the former's success.

‘Tekken X Street Fighter’ Crossover Update: Release date set in next two years? Game's development team hard at work

“Tekken X Street Fighter” is currently under development with a 40 man team. Game developers will release the game with a big surprise.

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Samsung released Lollipop update for Galaxy S4 after Note 3. Users can now access the Android 5.0.1 update via Over-the-Air release.
The new H&M Ad Campaign featuring David Beckham will make fans sweating all over. See this hot athlete in his new collection.
"Jupiter Ascending" features a spectacular fireworks display of fresh faced actors and dazzling effects that make-up for its sort of comical content.
J-Lo finally launched her new fragrance release "JLuxe" weeks ago. According to some reviews, her scents brings people to younger feeling with a vibe of sexiness and dynamic energy with its fruity-musky odors.
“Final Fantasy XV” will be completed soon as the development team seeks help from other companies. Square Enix is currently hiring additional staff for Team Leader and Regular Planner positions. Hajime Tabata reveals new updates in its development.
The magic of the mic is definitely on. Fans are excited to see Tatum and the rest of the gang do their stuff on stage, shirtless once more as "Magic Mike XXL" is shown on the cinemas this July 1.
Is the latest "Metal Gear Solid" game not getting the preorder numbers it deserves? Where would you say "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain" ranks amongst upcoming games? Is it the game you're anticipating the most? The least? Would you rank it amongst your top five? According to Amazon's sales figures (via Explosion), the latest "Metal Gear Solid" game is currently sitting in the #9 slot for games most preordered in January- which is far behind what we would have expected.
Famous author Harper Lee announced that Mockingbird’s sequel "Go Set a Watchman" is set for release on July 14 after 60 years.
The drama between Nina, Ian, and Nikki still continues as Nina Dobrev is "barely speaking" to her 'Vampire Diaries' co-star. Is she still upset over Nikki Reed?
Michael Schumancher, the F1 Champion has finally awaken after having been comatose for many months. The man of strenght is slowly recovering which brings hope and joy to his family and friends.
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