Trending News
NBA 2K16 Brand New Roster UPDATE Out Now; Kobe Bryant's Rating Down 2 Points, No Changes for Stephen Curry
2K Sports continues to bring more changes and improvement to the popular NBA 2K16 with the latest release of a brand new roster update that is out now for download. Also, PC gamers receive a fresh patch weighing around 4.3GB earlier this week to tweak persistent bugs and other issues found in the new basketball sim.
The New Xbox One Experience (NXOE) & Backward Compatibility Will Arrive November 12, 2015
A much improved Xbox One Experience and backward compatibility will hit the Xbox One update cycle this November 12.
Donald Trump Calls Ben Carson 'A Complete and Total Loser' in SNL Promo; NBC Confirms Error, Pulls Out Video
Donald Trump, who is set to host SNL on November 7, called Ben Carson "a complete and total loser" on this week's promo. The controversial footage was then taken down even before NBC representative Peter Alexander confirmed the error.
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon 3DS Ships November 20, 2015; Preload Now Available in North America
Play as Pikachu or one of the 20 available Pokemons in Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. You can preload the game right now and get a free 3DS theme until December 6.