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Chris Buck says ‘Frozen 2’ should have happy, funny Elsa; Anna attempts to steal Queen’s powers?
While Disney Studio remains silent about any details of the "Frozen 2" movie, speculations and rumors are making a round in the internet world. Plot details and the pre-production details are buzzing up.
Pokemon GO: Upcoming Niantic title given $20M Capital; Release date still fixed for 2016
Niantic's upcoming augmented reality game Pokemon GO may still be a number of months away, but the title is being given focus as if it is due in a week. Investors have given a handsome amount to the title's improvement, and Niantic cannot be anymore thankful for the unending support.
Star Fox Zero's release date delayed due to quality enhancements; Should players expect game out in 2016?
Star Fox Zero's is supposed to be released but it experienced a delay due to quality enhancements. It is expected to be out next year.
Project CARS Receives Continued DLC Support and Updates From Slightly Mad Studios; Project CARS 2 On Its Way?
Slightly Mad Studios has a moneymaker in the form of Project CARS. Even with other racing games going speeding up right next to it, the title has no plans of backing down from the competition with their consistent updates and plans for the game.