Trending News

San Diego Comicon Update: More than just a Comic-con; Various performances from bands and artists awaits

The Comic-con International: San Diego 2015 is finally setting foot to feature art shows, anime, film festivals, games and masquerades; these are just few of what to expect in the comicon international that will be held in San Diego Covention Center starting July 9 to 12, 2015. Special guests, comicon schedule and things to look forward to will be rolled-out on the premiere day on July 8, 2015 to formally start the Comic-con.

Sydney Film Festival: The best of Sydney Film Festival revealed; ticket sales increase to 8% from last year

Far more than just screenings, Sydney Film Festival features huge range of events that wrap around films that cater to viewers and film enthusiasts to have during the festival. From June 3 to 14, 2015, Sydney Film Festival is on the go to feature some of the cinemas unique movie offerings in various genres.

"Street Fighter V" headlines Capcom's E3 slate; Mega Man, Devil May Cry, and Resident Evil franchises also in roster

Capcom's Street Fighter V will be the centerpiece of the electronic publisher's slate for E3 2015, while the Mega Man, Devil May Cry and Resident Evil franchises also get represented.

Jill and Jess Duggar’s Own Spinoff Show In the Works Amidst Josh’ Sex Scandal?

JIll and Jess Duggar to star on their own show. Duggar sisters already moved on from the sex molestation.

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"Daredevil" season 1 showrunner Steven S. DeKnight has just joined the team behind the highly anticipated "Transformers 5" movie.
The director for the upcoming "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" movie teased that casting for the "mature but playful" adaptation has started, with newcomers possibly being considered for the main roles.
In Assassin's Creed Sydicate, players can expect to see more relevant side quests and take advantage of different modes of transportation. Fans can expect to hear more details at the upcoming E3 2015.
This week's episodes of 'The Young and the Restless' will focus on Jack's fight to survive as he comes back to Genoa City to take revenge on his enemies.
The LG G4 is set to be launched in Canada on 19 June by five local telcos following the unit's release in the US a few days ago. Take a look at what the South Korean manufacturer's latest flagship has to offer.
Bethesda Game Studios recently released official 4K screenshots of the upcoming Fallout 4 in preparation for the upcoming E3 2015 press con. While they're essentially stills of the official game trailer, the images give fans an idea of things to expect from the game graphics-wise.
Google partners wth GoPro to produce the high-end VR rig called the Jump. Meanwhile, the company also works on the Cardboard which is its economic VR headset initiative.