
iPad Pro to hit the shelves next week

At Apple's iPhone 6 launch on 9th September, Apple also unveiled its iPad Pro, a 12.9inch wonder gadget described as the most capable and powerful iPad ever created making it a most wonderful gift this Christmas.

'Halo 6' To Have Split-Screen Feature Says 343 Industries; Frank O'Connor Releases Statements On Fans Backlashing

A lot of gamers were disappointed with "Halo 5" not having a split-screen feature, but fortunately, 343 Industries is planning to have it in "Halo 6." Meanwhile, franchise director Frank O'Connor has recently addressed fans backlash.

'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Season 4 Episode 2 Recap: New Allies for the Turtles; Raphael Falls in Love

The premiere episode introduced the viewers to the Turtles’ new home, which is Fugitoid’s spaceship roaming around space. The second episode continued where the first one left off, with the Turtles’ finding new allies and Raphael meeting the love of his life.

Bill Cosby Sexual Accusation Update: Jane Dickinson's new lawsuit, Beverly Johnson's interview and more

Details on Jane Dickinson's new lawsuit, his sexual attack on their children's nanny and Beverly Johnson's interview

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The upcoming Xiaomi mi6 that will pack high end features was reported to be the first handset to be released outside Europe and Asia. This 5.5-inch handset is expected to feature 4GB RAM, 64 GB, 23MP, Eye Scanner, 4K resolution display and more.
‘Deadpool’ is an upcoming superhero film intended as part of the ‘X-Men’ cinematic series. Leading man Ryan Reynolds, who plays the titular character, uploaded a personal video of him in full costume with some children during Halloween. New images from on-set have also been released.
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Ben steals money from Jared's bar in 'Finding Carter' Season 2 Episode 17. Moreover, Carter loses her job as she admits that she's just 17. Aside that, the official synopsis for the upcoming episode has been posted.
HBO's "The Leftovers" Season 2 has been extremely compelling so far and the most recent episode was considered as the best one yet. Titled "No Room at the Inn," it's Reverend Matt Jamison's (Christopher Eccleston) turn to be in the spotlight, where he faces challenges with his faith in God and his morality.
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Bandai Namco and From Software both have their shares on high-end titles, and Dark Souls 3 is one that many gamers have looked forward to seeing more of. But knowing that many games of the generation are considerably challenging, will Dark Souls 3 shoot with the same gun?