Tags: Marvel

'Ant-Man' Update: Director Peyton Reed reveals movie ending? Two-part spoiler exposed

Peyton Reed posted a two-part "spoilers' for the movie 'Ant-Man.' He said he will devulge how the 'Ant-Man' movie will end. And this "spoilers" were waited by fans of the film.

‘Black Panther’ Movie Update: Plot sees new Marvel Superhero seeking revenge for his father’s death

“Black Panther” will be focusing on T’Challa’s origins as a warrior and a son of a tribe leader in Wakanda. The death of his father will pave the way for T’Challa to accept his new responsibility as the Marvel’s new superhero. The movie is part of MCU’s Phase 3 and will hit theaters on 2017.

Jeremy Renner wishes Scarlett Johansson a 'Happy Mother's Day' after the Black Widow ‘slut’ joke; Are the two Avengers co-star in good terms?

Jeremy Renner earned a lot of internet hate when he jokingly called Black Widow, 'a slut'. Does he feel the same way towards co-star, Scarlett Johansson?

‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Update: Marvel picks writers for the 2-Part ‘Avengers’; Plot follows ‘The Infinity Gauntlet’ Storyline

The 2-part "Avengers: Infinity War" will be written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the people behind the script of the "Captain America" movie franchise. Marvel will be closing their Phase 3 with "Infinity War" that could be based on the storyline of "The Infinity Gauntlet."

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As a standalone film, "Doctor Strange" will focus on Sorcerer Supreme Stephen Strange and explore the different realms in which he exists after receiving a supernatural gift and mastering it. Benedict Cumberbatch is casted to play the lead role and may be required to study Vision's and Adam Warlock characters?
Daredevil might just show up in the latest 'Spider-Man' reboot. Now that Spider-Man's in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, his latest reboot doesn't have to be about Peter Parker only.
Fans have been puzzling about the character Quicksilver lately, and with the ‘The Avengers: Age of Ultron’ playing this week, it’s easy to forget who have portrayed the role first. It’s Evan Peters of ‘X-Men’ set against Aaron Taylor-Johnson in ‘Avengers.’ Who bests the role as Quicksilver?
Could Thanos intervene during 'Captain America: Civil War?' Captain America: Civil War is already one of the most anticipated comic book movies out there (it's Captain America vs Iron Man- how could it not be?).
Could 'Iron Man 4' become a series of cameos in other movies? Iron Man 4 seems less and less likely with each passing Marvel movie. At this point, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is booked up solid until 2020, and there are zero chances of Iron Man 4 happening before then- meaning we'll have to wait another five years (at the minimum) just to see Tony Stark in his own film again.
Robert Downey, Jr. just called independent filmmakers "inexperienced and lame" while explaining why he won't star in low-budgeted movies. Meanwhile, the release of "Iron Man4," Downey Jr's major movie to date, is still uncertain as Marvel has not yet announced any confirmation about the fate of the iron-suited hero.
Mark Wahlberg and Michael Bay will be working together in "Transformers 5" which is slated for 2017 and will be made in multiple sequels. Shia Labeof could be playing the lead role as well given the Paramount's plan of borrowing the Marvel's multi-sequel movie approach to Star Wars expanded universe.
Carol Danvers is Captain Marvel. She assumed the identity when a Kree alien by the name of Captain Mar-vell passed along his powers to her accidentally before dying. Known throughout most of her life as Ms Marvel she eventually adopted the mantle of Captain Marvel. She will have an integral role in Marvel's phase 3: Infinity Wars.
Released in 1980s, ‘Bill and Ted’ is coming back and Keanu Reeves himself revealed that the third installment is coming sooner and they are already looking for writers. Similarly, ‘The Matrix’ star’s another movie ‘John Wick 2,’ which was reported to be in an early development, is getting a delay because of a new gig by its directors.
With Sony teaming up with Marvel to reboot a new ‘Spiderman’ film, rumors are circulating as Tom Holland and Asa Butterfield were allegedly chosen as the top contenders to inherit Andrew Garfield’s former role. Would either of them be a good fit to play Spidey?
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