Tags: Star Wars: Battlefront

Star Wars: Battlefront Update: Season Pass Details Reveals; Game Publisher Announced Multiplayer Modes

Game publisher Electronic Arts give details on the Star Wars: Battlefront Season Pass and the new multiplayer modes. The game is scheduled to be released next month, November 17.

Star Wars Battlefront LEAKED Playable Characters Include Leia, Hans Solo, and The Emperor; Beta Extended Until Today, Oct. 13

Star Wars Battlefront open beta is extended for another day until today, October 13. Meanwhile, some Redditors have leaked new heroes who will be likely playable when the game is released next month.

Star Wars Battlefront Open Beta Kicks Off on Oct 8; Community Manager Teases 'Cool Stuff', Surprises Planned for PS4, Xbox One, PC Gamers

Star Wars Battlefront open beta kicks off next week, October 8, and gaming participants should need some larger hard drive free space to install the game.

Star Wars: Battlefront Alpha Tester Reveals Game Is Broken; Will the Game Launch Before the Upcoming Film?

DICE's Star Wars: Battlefront has been spoken of since its announcement. The wait surely is one to cherish, but with recent news emerging that the game isn't completely tolerable, what are those who experienced the game and yet to do so, to get out of the title?

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EA announces that it's ready to release its open beta for Star Wars Battlefront in October. Two multiplayer modes - Walker Assault and Survival Mission -are included in the testing.
Albeit EA revealed that they will be releasing a special edition for Star Wars Battlefront for PS4 console, however it does not include Xbox One though both of them are current generation consoles. According to news, the said edition will feature Darth Vader as well as the other notable icons in the game.
Electronic Arts reveals another mode in the upcoming highly anticipated Star Wars Battlefront. The multiplayer mode called Supremacy feature intense, close combat action between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. Playable heroes such as Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, and Boba Fett makes for an interesting battle for power and territory.
While Star Wars: Battlefront will officially be launched this November 17 for both Xbox One and PS4 systems, one Xbox executive has confirmed that the game will be launched first on Xbox One exclusively via EA Access passes.
Last week, Electronic Arts confirmed the unsatisfying news for the PC gamers on the Star Wars Battlefront Community Q&A that the Missions Mode will support splitscreen cooperative gameplay on Xbox One and PS4 consoles but not on PC.
A key gameplay feature is revealed from Star Wars: Battlefront's Alpha build downloaded earlier this week by gamers who showed interest in playing the game.Reports said that users who have access to the closed Alpha testing for game have leaked some videos on YouTube and some even had managed a live streaming of the game on Twitch.
Players that were privileged enough to get highly exlusive access to Star Wars Battlefront closed alpha build have decided to leak gameplay footage even after signing a confidentiality end user agreement. EA DICE have started a campaign to remove the leaked footage rom video streaming websites like Youtube, Vimeo and Daily Motion, but not before gamers were able to squeeze out delicious details from the magnificent Star Wars gameplay.
EA and DICE Games has revealed that Star Wars: Battlefront is developed on the PlayStation 4, but will be released on the Xbox One and PC. It will have a Co-Op mode for up to 40 players, and will have 12 multiplayer maps included.
Developer Electronic Arts demonstrated the all new Star Wars Battlefront in E3, revealing impressive new missions and interesting additional features.
The upcoming video game Star Wars: Battlefront will allow players to customize their characters, but there are limits on what will be allowed for the customization. DICE in the game's official Twitter account gave fans some idea on the limits on their character customization after a fan asked a question about it.
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