Tags: Arnold Schwarzenegger

"Terminator 5" Spoilers: Leaked Audio Footage Reveals Action Scene Details, Dwayne Johnson Rumored to Play a Terminator

An audio clip has leaked online that may contain early details for "Terminator Genisys"- as well, Dwayne Johnsons is rumored for a role in a potential sixth film.

'Terminator: Genisys' News: Paramount Pictures announces two sequels of 'Genisys' to be released in 2017 and 2018; Are we seeing excellent fight scenes featuring a T-1000 and two T-800 in 'Genisys'?

Two sequels of 'Terminator: Genisys' are already confirmed by Paramount Pictures. Actor Byung Hun Lee is reportedly appearing in 'Genisys' as T-1000. Should we expect fight jaw-dropping fight scenes between a powerful T-1000 and two versions of T-800?

"Terminator 5" Story Leaks Confirmed: Arnold Schwarzenegger to Battle a Younger Version of Himself

The "Terminator Genisys" plot details that leaked online last week may just have been confirmed, which would mean Arnold Schwarzenegger's time-traveling robot would be facing another one just like him.

Florida power utilities fear return of ‘Green Governor' Crist

When Charlie Crist last governed Florida, his green energy and climate policies made him few friends among the state's powerful electricity corporations.

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According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, the new “Terminator” movie, “Terminator: Genysis” will feature two T-800 robots. It will show a younger version of the robot which will be controlled by Skynet, while the older T-800 will be featured in the movie’s last parts.
Skydance Studios has confirmed that the upcoming "Terminator" film, entitled "Terminator: Genisys," is officially not a reboot.
Arnold Schwarzenegger revealed that the upcoming Terminator: Genesys could feature time traveling, the T-800 and more.
Filming for the highly anticipated “Terminator: Genysis” has reportedly wrapped up. With the movie currently in its post-production stage, the teaser trailer should be released very soon, Enstars reports.
As filming for “Terminator Genesis” is currently on process, new behind-the-scene clip was revealed, Enstars reports. The clip was shot in San Francisco where the filming took place on August 4 and 5.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has just revealed his desire to join the "Expendables" series, but only if he can play a villain that kills off numerous cast members.
A full copy of "The Expendables 3" has just been leaked online, which experts say will almost certainly hurt the film's box office take.
Majority of the sci-fi classic “Terminator: Genesis” is reportedly finished already, Enstars reports. The reboot of the Arnold Schwarzenegger-starrer is expected to be released in July 2015. Arnold Schwarzenegger will be reprising his role as T-800. Recent reports reveal that the actor is nearly done filming his part for the highly anticipated movie.
With Comic-Con already underway, speculation has begun as to whether "Terminator 5" will show any footage at the famed convention.
New photos from the "Terminator 5" set in New Orleans may confirm previous story rumors that pointed to a complex, time-travel plot.
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