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Beyonce, Nicki Minaj ‘Feeling Myself’ release on Tidal disappoints fans; Artists signed up contract to Jay Z’s music streaming service

Beyonce, Nicki Minaj ‘Feeling Myself’ release on Tidal makes fans disappointed. Many artists signed up contract to Jay Z’s music streaming service.

‘Halo 5: Guardians’ Xbox One Release Date Confirmed, Truth About Spartan Program Unveiled?

'Halo 5: Guardians' is set to be released this coming October 27 according to Microsoft. It's the first Halo to be on the Xbox One. It may also unveil some dark secrets from Master Chief's past - including the mystery of his birth.

How to Improve Samsung Galaxy S4 Battery Life: 5 Easy Hacks

The Android 5.0 lollipop update is on the roll slowly and quielty for the Samsung Galaxy S4. However, for S4 users who had the taste of the new software update, they seem to be having problems with theri battery life. Here are 5 easy ways to improve battery life.

Hulk Solo Film Possible after Marvel's Avengers Success

Different characters have portrayed the Incredible Hulk and there's been a mixed reception. Many viewers had been happy with the few minutes they got the Hulk in the recent Avengers flick. The question is, does the studio that will secure the rights to a Hulk solo film have sustainable source material?

Latest News

Sons of Winter is the fourth chapter of Game of Thrones, developed and published by Telltale Games, is getting released either this week or the next. Sons of Winter will be focusing on the main characters both on Westeros and Essos.
Fujifil X-T10 is the compact version of X-T1, almost the same in light compact packaged and lower price range. The new X edition will be avaialable in June.
Assassin's Creed Syndicate will use the AnvileNext engine that can render thousands of characters at the same time. This will also mark the first time in franchise history to have two leads, and the first female lead in a mainline title.
Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth expansion Rising Tide brings a whole new level of strategy gameplay in the alien aquatic lifeforms found outside of Earth's natural resources. The new expansion Rising Tide is set to release Fall 2015
inXile Entertainment's The Bard's Story IV is set to launch their Kickstarter campaign on the 1985 original game's 30th Anniversary. iXile will open the campaign to pledges on June 2.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 2 was a cliff hanger with fans wondering what happened to Simmons. But what can we expect for season 3?
The “Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage” Chapter 4 offers interesting twists and possible answers to Sarada’s true identity as a new villain appears. Boruto and Sarada’s story is also predicted to catch up in the upcoming release of the new chapter of the manga series.
The components supply for the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus is said to be more than enough, implying that Apple could release the flagship devices as early as August. However, it is also said that the iOS 9 might not be ready until that month, holding back the release date.
Day one patch notes for The Witcher 3 were recently revealed by CD Projekt Red now that the game is officially released.
H1Z1 cheaters may have played the game for the last time after Daybreak Studios conducts a massive ban wave.