Tags: Destiny House of Wolves

Multiplayer Competitive Event ‘Iron Banner’ Returns In ‘Destiny’ On June 30

Destiny’s multiplayer competitive game mode “Iron Banner” returns on June 30th as announced by Bungie.

Destiny DLC House of Wolves Introduces New Weapons and Armor via the Vestian Outpost; New Content and Missions Launched; Gear Upgrade System Fix Introduced

Released a couple of days ago, the House of Wolves expansion for Destiny introduced new weapons, armor and the Vestian Outpost, and content.

Destiny House of Wolves DLC Details Leaked: Patch 1.2.0 to arrive before May 19; Destiny 2 teaser at E3?

While Bungie has announced that the much awaited Destiny Patch 1.2.0 release will be delayed via their official website's forum, exciting details on House of Wolves DLC have leaked online ahead of its May 19 launch.

Destiny available at a massive discount as release of House of Wolves expansion draws closer

Destiny is being offered at 50% off as the game's latest expansion nears its release date next week.

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Destiny players may be experience a bit of deja vu as the game has just run back the same weekly Nightfall from just two weeks before.
Destiny's House of Wolves DLC confirmed to arrive this May 19 on Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360 and PS3 features a new gameplay mode, Prison of Elder and more details will be revealed by Bungie today, May 6 on Twitch.
Destiny Patch 1.2 rolls out shortly ahead of House of Wolves DLC release slated to hit Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, and PS3 on May 19 bringing in Legendary Items, new bug fixes, 3 new maps and more, Bungie announced.
Destiny is currently updating its expansion House of Wolves, which was released last month in different platforms such as PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. From the earlier reports about the expectations of every gamer to this expansion will be a more easy-to-digest package. Part of this package will be the player-versus-player mode of activities.
Bungie to keep an eye on "the impact that Update 1.1.2 would have on the Crucible." Players will be able to earn some new class Helms from Lord Saladin.
New content for Crucible and the Trials of Osiris are expected to be introduced via the upcoming "House of Wolves" expansion for "Destiny."
Destiny House of Wolves DLC is slated for May 19 release, which will only take few more weeks for their fan's patient waiting. With the expansion release, there will be major changes that will happen for the game that will affect the entire mechanics. These will be done through the modifiers added to the DLC pack.
The upcoming "House of Wolves" expansion for "Destiny" will finally enable players to exchange materials, while also increasing the max damage cap for some gear.
A new trailer for the "Destiny" DLC "House of Wolves" has been released just a day before a major livestream event from Bungie.
A recent announcement from Bungie, developers of Destiny, stated that they will be rolling out the DLC alongside for House of Wolves anytime soon. It will come with additional game features as well as a series of fixes aimed to improve the game's experience. However, the company has yet to fully state what they have changed and added, though they did reveal some of the patch highlights.
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