Tags: The witcher 3: wild hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Features Another Update With New Patch v1.01, Optimized Gameplay and Fixes Now Available

"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" now brings brand new features and updates brought by the Witcher 3 1.04 patch. Players will surely have better gaming experience with this updated version. Major changes involve improved overall game performance, various fixes and even more impressive quests. While the newest patch does not promise to bring 600 plus updates and fixes, it has been reviewed that the newest Witcher 3 1.04 patch ultimately does prove effective in solving several issues.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Guides: Zerrikanian Saddlebag Guide, Cat School Gear Scavenger Hunt Guide, and Earth Elemental Boss Guide

This is the second comprehensive guide we have made for you! The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is a very expansive game with many systems, mechanics and puzzles that some players may have difficulties in understanding or completing parts and parcels of them.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt patch 1.03 OUt This Week to Fix Frame Rate Issues, Improve Over-All Stability and More; Crashing, Performance Bugs Next

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has been successfully released last week but the promised patch on consoles that comes with various technical improvements and a stable frame rate has been delayed for this week.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Developer CD Projekt Red Says Downgraded Visual are Not Intentional; Budget Restrictions is to Blame

CD Projekt Red steadfastly tackles comments coming from critics and gamers about the apparent "downgraded" visuals of the Wticher 3: Wild Hunt. The game developer pointed out that lesser visuals of the game are not intentional as budget restrictions for a succesful multiplatform release is to blame.

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Day one patch notes for The Witcher 3 were recently revealed by CD Projekt Red now that the game is officially released.
Nudity does not appear to be all that prevalent in the world of The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. Nude characters rendered in high definition are probably not the biggest reasons people are excited about The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, but those expecting it to be a significant part of the game may be disappointed.
Update will also make "overall performance improvements"; plus, watch a creepy new teaser trailer now.
The Witcher 3 pays tribute to the people who have supported them all throughout the creation process with a short yet meaningful message.
Rumors of The Witcher 3 being downgraded began making the rounds after a fan made the claim on one of the game's official forums.
Color correction appears to be one of the keys to unlocking the full potential of The Witcher on the Playstation 4.
The team behind The Witcher 3 offers some hints regarding the many easter eggs to be found within the massive game.
Nvidia will be offering a free bundle game to those who will purchase the GTX 980 Ti by the time it is released in June. "The Witcher 3" and "Batman: Arkham Knight" may be enjoyed for free upon purchase of the new Nvidia graphic card with GM200-310 GPU.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt release date is set on May 19, however gamer critics are already saying the game's apparent downgrade graphics. CD Projekt Red responds with "wait till its launched" attitude.
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt hit store shelves in the Middle East earlier than what people expected, and now spoilers could be coming.
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