Tags: Xbox 360

'Rise of the Tomb Raider' still an Xbox 'Timed' exclusive? Microsoft takes over distribution after Square Enix?

It has been reported that the Rise of the Tomb Raider, a follow-up of the rebooted series, is an exclusive for Xbox. But Xbox boss says otherwise. This means that we will be seeing the game in other platforms aside Xbox.

E3 2015 Update: Activision, Disney Studios, Bethesda, Nintendo, Bandai Namco plans big reveals on upcoming event

As June 16 nears, gamers anticipate big reveals at this year's E3 from major videogame publishers and developers. E3 2015 will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, California from 16 June to 18 June.

Warner Bros. adds more reason not to pre-order games? ‘Mortal Kombat X’ for Xbox 360 delay on Dec. 31

The release date of the “Mortal Kombat X” for the PS3 and Xbox 360 is postponed from Summer to Fall. GameStop specifically posted the delay from June 2 to as far as December 31.

Destiny’s New Secret Area Revealed, An Inside Look Of The Lighthouse

In the Trials of Osiris, An event for Destiny’s second expansion titled “House of Wolves”, a secret area was discovered and it can only be accessed by completing the event with a perfect score.

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Redbox is restocking Fallout 3 titles at the same date as the start of E3 conference. This might mean that Fallout 4 should be announced in E3.
The Evil Within will receive the last add-on, The Executioner, on May 26, 2015. The PlayStation version of the game received an update to add more trophies.
Destiny's House of Wolves expansion is now live and available to download. Patch is also activated to add new content on top of the expansion.
Team Ninja's fighting game Dead or Alive 5 had a costume set released in Japan. The costume set called Fighting Force features superhero costumes.
Sons of Winter is the fourth chapter of Game of Thrones, developed and published by Telltale Games, is getting released either this week or the next. Sons of Winter will be focusing on the main characters both on Westeros and Essos.
DICE's Battlefield 4 will soon have a Spring patch to improve the netcode as well as other gameplay tweaks. The Spring patch also adds five new guns and the return of Gun Master Mode.
The 'Lego Jurassic World' trailer is already released, and will hit the stores on the same day as the Jurassic World movie. The game will take players through the events of all the classic 'Jurassic Park' films. Those buying in North America will get special offers upon purchase.
Destiny's Patch 1.2.0 is now available for download. Changes included in the patch are technical issues being fixed, user interface changes, and weapon balance, however, Connection Recovery is not included in the update, instead will become available with the release of House of Wolves expansion.
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 is being developed by Robomodo and Disruptive Games with Activision publishing the game. Amazon listed the price of the game at $59.99 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, $39.99 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
The third installment to the episodic graphic adventure Life is Strange developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Square Enix is set to be released on May 19th.
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