Tags: Guardians of the Galaxy

‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’: James Gunn reveals Kurt Russell is Star-Lord’s father; Who is J'son of Spartax?

James Gunn said he found Star-Lord's Father. Kurt Russel will play as Peter Quill's Father

'Limitless' Cast Update: Bradley Cooper Will Return on CBS Freshman Drama

CBS has announced that Bradley Cooper will reprise his role as Sen. Edward Morra on the upcoming sixth episode of Limitless. It is slated to air on Tuesday, Oct. 27th.

‘Thor 3: Ragnarok’: Loki Poses As Odin; Where Are The Infinity Stones?

The third sequel “Thor 3: Ragnarok” is said to be directed by Kenneth Branagh. It is set to thunder into theaters in November 3, 2017 with Tom Hiddleston reprising his role as Loki. Hopefully, the remaining Infinity Stones will be accounted for in the upcoming Marvel film.

'Guardians of the Galaxy' 2 Updates: James Gunn reveals characters; Hulk's abscence confirmed

As much as 'Guardians of the Galaxy' is concerned, the writer/director James Gunn makes sure to give an update about the progression of his upcoming film. Gunn, however, dismissed the hearsays about Hulk's appearance in the movie.

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Disney XD is set to release its animated series 'Guardians of the Galax'. It will delve on Star-Lord's origin as well as the story behind his signature blaster.
Award-winning actor Benicio del Toro was handpicked by Disney and Lucasfilm to play the villain role in 'Star Wars: Episode VIII.' However, there are no concrete plans yet about the film.
‘Agents of SHIELD’ is heading to Comic Con 2015 with major spoilers. Lots of new things to expect in season 3.
Both parts of the superhero film ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ are believed to center on Thanos being the main antagonist. Spider-Man, Black Panther, and among others might cameo in the upcoming Marvel movie. Get the full details here.
One of Hollywood’s hottest leading men, Chris Pratt takes center stage once again after being chosen to be on the cover of Men’s Heath U.K.’s July issue, where he talks about his weight struggle before. Pratt is currently on the roll as his highly-anticipated movie, “Jurassic World” makes a global premiere on June 10.
With a plan for a massive reboot, Marvel Comics has teased some images for the new and altered characters in the ‘All-New, All-Different Marvel.’ Get the full details here.
Chris Pratt has come a long way from his television comic role and is now ready to embrace more of his Hollywood action superhero side.
Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes had been waiting for this, what'll be next? While others are still hyped upon the release of Disney Infinity last September in several parts of America, Europe and Australia, Disney Interactive has finally launched Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes, also marketed for release as Disney Infinity 2.
A new sci-fi film entitled "Alpha Squad Seven" is reportedly looking into Dwayne "The Rock Johnson" as the artist who will star in the film. According to a report, it might be taking on the similar plot as "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Armageddon."
With a scene at the end of ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ that sparked interest, the third installment of ‘Thor’ entitled ‘Thor 3: Ragnarok’ is gaining more attention as it was rumored feature one of the Infinity Stones floating around the Marvel Cinematic Universe. More villains will also be added in the third sequel, report says.
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