Tags: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Mark Rufffalo Responds Once More To The Unending "Planet Hulk" Rumors

Ruffalo makes it clear that he was taken out of context during Saturday's IGN interview and that there are no plans for a new "Hulk" movie.

Vision Takes The Spotlight With Official Magazine Cover For "Age of Ultron" And Is Thanos Making An Appearance?

Official Image from Entertainment Weekly highlights the Vision and will Thanos be on Avengers Part 2?

“Captain Marvel” Update: Clash with DC's Wonder Woman possible? Iron Man makes his cameo appearance

Fans can now expect "Captain Marvel" to hit the theaters on 2018. However, Marvel has denied the heroine some screentime in their upcoming movies. Storyline suggestions for Carol Danver's standalone film poured online including the possible reunion with Tony Stark.

‘Deadpool’ Cast Update: Ryan Reynolds makes a scene in Vancouver filming; Brianna Hildebrand joins as Negasonic

Ryan Reynolds and "Deadpool" production team were seen filming in the actor's hometown in Vancouver. Recent news about the movie includes the addition of a Goth teen mutant named "Negasonic Teenage Warhead," a telepath with precognitive abilities, who will be portrayed by Brianna Hildebrand.

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Andy Serkis talks about his cameo appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron and the possibility of his Ulysses Klaw character in future MCU films.
Could Vin Diesel be actually playing another role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? After portraying a well-loved talking tree in Guardians of the Galaxy, the hunk actor has been rumored of joining Marvel’s future film Inhumans, scheduled for release in 2019.
Disney Studios has recently released some new "fun facts" about the upcoming superhero flick, Avengers: Age Of Ultron, which reveal how the sequel can potentially surpass the success and awesomeness of its predecessor, The Avengers.
Vin Diesel's playing coy about joining 'Inhumans.' Marvel fans have been cheering for Vin Diesel to play Black Bolt for what seems like years (actually, it probably has been years).
How will 'Age of Ultron' spoil future 'Avengers' films? As Avengers: Age of Ultron draws closer to its release date this summer, soon our speculation will turn to one thing and one thing only: end-credits teasers.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe might have found its Peter Parker. Casting Spider-Man is one of the biggest moves Marvel will make for a very long time. Not only is Spider-Man one of the flagship heroes of the Marvel Universe (if not the most recognizable Marvel hero of all time), but he'll be appearing in both Marvel's films and Sony's at the same time- the actor playing Spider-Man is going to be supremely busy for the next several years, making superhero flick after superhero flick.
Could Captain Marvel appear in 'Avengers: Age of Ultron?' Captain Marvel, the classic Marvel superhero who's been set for a solo film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, might be appearing sooner than her official movie- which is slated all the way in 2018.
'Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice' has an amazing Script according to Jeremy Irons, who will play Alfred Pennyworth in the film. Meanwhile, Marvel and The Walking Dead comic book writer Robert Kirkman commented that when it comes to setting cinematic universe Marvel is ahead of DC.
What are the chances Wolverine or Deadpool might join the Marvel Cinematic Universe? A Marvel Cinematic Universe crossover movie seemed like an impossibility a few years ago.
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